Iron forging art, a millenary tradition
The ecomuseum activity has started since the Seventies, thanks to the researches on popular traditions of Bienno
people. The ecomuseum territory lies to the Grigna Valley, which is the side valley of the Central Camonica Valley, on
the inside of Adamello Park, a highland with a high environmental value. It is situated between the historical nucleus of
Bienno and Prestine, which have preserved the original architectural features of the ancient villages. These places still
keep intact the marks of their long history and ancient economy: the forges and historic buildings, the 15th century
mill, the Venetian sawmill, the hermitage, the churches and their historic cycles painted in fresco, are both examples
that prove it.
The "Vaso Rè” (the Rè Duct), an artificial duct, that has been drawing water from the Grigna stream and returning it to
the Valley for nearly a millennium, after crossing the houses and paths, goes through the ecomuseum.
The power of water has provided the energy that is indispensable to move the forges hammers, the millstones and
sawmill’s blades. The working of iron by craftsmen, that is well highlighted by the local museum system, is appreciated
and preserved in the most significant places, where iron is worked.
The venue is to Bienno Municipal
Piazza Liberazione 1 (Liberazione Square, 1), 25040 Bienno, Brescia
tel. +39 0364 40001